
Lanita Bradley Boyd is a writer and speaker who lives in Fort Thomas, Kentucky, and works and worships with the Central Church of Christ in Cincinnati, Ohio. She speaks to women or parent groups and writes inspirational nonfiction for magazines, such as The Lookout and Christian Woman, and compilation books, such as Chicken Soup.

Steve & Lanita at HonigAs one of the speakers involved in Steve Boyd Presentations, Lanita also manages the office for SBP—scheduling speakers and events, handling correspondence, and generally promoting her husband, Steve Boyd. Steve is a popular speaker who gives keynotes, after-dinner speeches, and seminars on speaking, listening, and interpersonal skills.

Recently, his most popular theme is “Be Present When You are Present.” You can see clips from his speeches at www.SBoyd.com. Their son Josh Boyd is also a part of Steve Boyd Presentations, giving seminars on spoken and written communication.

Steve and Lanita collaborated on ATTENTION! The Art of Holding Your Audience in the Palm of Your Hand, a book with tips to make speakers more comfortable and confident in their presentations.

Lanita also has a manuscript editing service and is available for training in writing and editing. She edited Steve’s devotional book, He Knows My Song and other devotionals to challenge and inspire.

They both love to speak about their travels, from Brazil to Thailand to Fiji to Malaysia, where they offered six weeks of free English lessons with materials based on the gospel of Luke. The group that arranges these trips is Let’s Start Talking. You can read more about those trips under Global Interests.

If you’d like to talk to Lanita about scheduling one of the Boyds for your next event, please visit our Connect page.