Post #14 in the Blog Every Day in May Challenge, 250 words or less. Prompt for May 14: Ten things that make you really happy.
This is both hard and easy, for I have a book in which I list joys I experience. Choosing just ten is the challenging part! (To keep from ranking, they’re in alphabetical order, thanks to Word!)
- Going to Findlay Market with Steve early on Saturday morning
- Having a husband who encourages me to do my own thing and be my own person and who sometimes knows my needs better than I do
- Having my children call to chat with no particular agenda
- Hearing any of my grandchildren say, “Hi, Namma!” with such love in their voices
- Holding a newborn grandchild, especially if he or she grasps my finger
- Hugs from people I love
- Passing a cop’s radar horn, knowing I was within the speed limit
- Praying with the young mothers at our weekly Bible study
- Sitting outdoors on a summer evening, talking and listening to crickets
- Watching mist rise from the mountains