Memories of Mother and Aunt Fannie

I just finished reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett, a fascinating story of race relations in Jackson, Mississippi, from 1962-1964. Reading about the Southern women and their African-American maids brought back memories of our family friend, Aunt Fannie. Though some might see calling her “aunt” as a derogatory term, it was not that to us. … [Read more…]

Doing One More Thing

When I went to a women’s spiritual retreat, I forgot to take my Bible. Ironic, I know. I explained to my friend that I thought I had time to do “one more thing,” and then I forgot an item central to my purpose. The “one more thing” was typing a poem for my pen pal, … [Read more…]

Fighting the Daily Details

I just watched the garbage men fight with our large, broken plastic chairmat that Steve wore out wheeling his chair between his desk and computer table. My relief at seeing the old one disappear into the mouth of the garbage truck was based on the trials involved in getting the new one in and the … [Read more…]

Standing by the Cave

The weekend after the Smokies, Steve and I enjoyed a Fall Foliage weekend in northeast Ohio. We went to our closest national park, Cuyahoga Valley National Park near Akron. The color was fabulous–the perfect weekend to be there. We stayed in the park at the Inn at Brandwine Falls, which I highly recommend. We had … [Read more…]

Weekend in the Smokies

Our annual family weekend in the Smokies has ended, and new memories now blend with the old. We spent more time at the Ranger Stations this year because Kinley works on her Junior Ranger badges whenever they visit a national park. Our usual hiking was shortened due to Knox’s determination to walk it himself. So … [Read more…]

Heading South

When most people say, “And that’s when it headed south,” they mean things went terribly wrong. But for me, heading south is heading home. It can be the home in middle Tennessee where my mother lived for 36 years, but it can be other places as well. In this case, it’s home to the mountains … [Read more…]

Mary DeMuth

An outstanding author that I admire greatly is Mary DeMuth. She spoke at Write to Publish in June and I was touched by her devotion to God, her family, and the craft of writing. You can follow her blog at What she writes is always honest and thought-provoking, whether it’s parenting articles, devotional thoughts, … [Read more…]