One morning recently, I had three men waiting for me to make a move. Sounds like high school, doesn’t it? Or at least my high school days, when you could date more than one person at a time. I still can’t get used to the exclusivity that accompanies dating today. “Oh, I couldn’t go out with him. I’ve already had a date with ___,” seems to be a common response. One date equals a commitment not to date anyone else!
But back to the present-day men waiting for me: Over Labor Day weekend, I became involved with five men—involved in Scrabble or Words with Friends games. I have no idea why most of my opponents are men, unless it’s that women don’t have as much time for such frivolity.
At the Apple store Friday, while waiting for Steve, I was checking my games on our iPad2. A worker there said, “Are you addicted, too? I am SO addicted!”
I hadn’t given it a thought, but that caused me to ponder. Am I addicted? I hope not. My personal definition of addiction is neglecting what I should do to give time to my addiction. Reading is sometimes high on that list, especially as I near the end of a gripping story.
But Scrabble? I don’t think so. My proof? I forgot it for 18 days last month when I was busy with my writing project and a writing conference. Addictions can’t be forgotten that easily—I think.
But over Labor Day weekend, we had ample leisure time as Steve and I, with 15 other beloved friends and relatives, celebrated grandson Knox’s fifth birthday. Our grandchildren rarely have a one-day birthday celebration; they usually take at least a weekend. How wonderful that our children can so beautifully host that entire crowd!
Then on Labor Day we came home in time for daughter Kelsey and husband Stephen to host 28 of us for a cookout. What amazing children God gave us! All four of them are incredible.
But for now, I guess I’d better get back to those men waiting for me to make a move…

Barb Haller
HA HA! Love, LOVE your play on words, Lanita! Well-crafted and clever. As always, infused with your love of family!