1. Charlotte

    Loved reading about our Clearview friends & neighbors. I remember “Miss” Etheline very well. She seemed jolly & happy all the time and was the life of our quilting gatherings.

  2. Judy

    I love the stories of “ancient times” in middle Tennessee. What a dear sweet lady Miss Etheline must have been.

  3. Barbara Wims

    My daddy had three brothers and one sister, my Aunt Nita. She was smart, funny and very special to me. While I was pregnant with my first I thought I might name her, if a girl, after my favorite aunt. I knew Aunt Nita’s name was really Juanita and I didn’t really care for that name, so I called Mama to inquire about her middle name. Well, her middle name was Juanita and her first name was Ethalene! decided I shouldn’t give my child a name that sounded like a kind of gasoline. Never heard of anyone else with a name even close to hers until today. Thanks for the story.

    • Thanks, Barb, for an interesting name story! I was named for my Aunt Juanita and Aunt Lola. Aunt Juanita’s middle name was Vivette, so I’m glad I escaped LaVette!

  4. Lanita, Mrs. Wilkinson, as I was taught to call her always told me the same story. It went:

    Melinda, when you were born, you were so ugly that I was called in to tell them whether I was animal, plant or mineral. Then she would laugh and laugh. My sisters and I, especially my older sister, played with her daughters, Sue and Ruthie, whose real name was Baby Ruth. I loved playing and visiting with them. Spending the night was special. I liked their house because the rooms were much bigger than the ones in my home. Spending time at her house was always special when I was young. When I knew her, she looked much older than she does in your photo. She went barefoot when I knew her. I thought that was strange because I knew no other adults who didn’t wear shoes every day. She was a special neighbor in many ways.

    • That sounds like Miss Etheline! Always with a joke. Thanks for sharing your memories. You certainly lived much closer to her than I did.

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