Project Ends Well

Another successful LST project is over–with a slight addendum. More about that later. We had four adult workers plus a teen, and altogether we read 367 hours! We have worked very hard and are pleased at the responses God brought.  We had 50 different readers, and 26 of them came to our last party and … [Read more…]

Intergenerational, Inspirational

What is a baptistry? If your faith tradition sprinkles for baptism, you may only be familiar with a baptismal font. But churches that immerse often have a deep pool of water near the front of the sanctuary. In our Cincinnati church, the Central Church if Christ, the baptistry is almost always filled, ready for anyone … [Read more…]

A New Creation

Althea and I planned a lovely Thanksgiving party for our readers and the church, and our plans expanded exponentially after we asked for a show of hands for how many people from church were coming. We expect a few readers and many members, so we really hope the members will get acquainted with our readers. … [Read more…]